2019 Key Initiatives

Job Security, Community Outreach and Youth Engagement.

With the support of generous sponsors, financial entities and community organizations APRI Seattle will be a stronger force for change.


We stand for labor and unions.

We strive to train minority labor leaders and our coalition partners to participate fully in all levels of the American political process, to develop new labor leaders and organize the unorganized.

Build support for trade unionists in their unions and the community

​Provide leadership and advocacy training for union members

​Lobby elected officials for workers right to organize

We stand for community.  

APRI was instrumental in the successful passing of the Martin Luther King Jr. Equal Protection Voting Rights Act, which includes many of the civil rights protections and anti-fraud provisions that we, along with civil rights and labor, have long supported.

Mobilize our members, churches, youth, and the community to build social and economic support for working families

​Provide voters education to the disadvantage and under-represented

Get volunteers for legislative support

​Host candidates Forums

We stand for youth leading change

We play a unique role in strengthening communities of color for democratic political, social and economic change; and to participate fully in all levels of the American political process.

Setup voter registration campaigns

​Launch Get-Out-To-Vote Campaigns

Organize education and career success training workshops

​Community Outreach

​Build Leadership